
Birthplace of Peter Rosegger

Waldheimat: Home of the great Styrian poet and journalist.

Peter Rosegger was born on 31 July 1843 at Kluppeneggerhof on the Alpl, the eldest of seven children. The farm is situated at about 1,200 metres above sea level in the midst of the beautiful Waldheimat region. It was a very simple peasant life. At the ‘Vorderer Kluppeneggerhof’, everyone – the maids, servants, and the whole family made up of Rosegger’s parents and the children – worked from morning to night. Cooking was done over the open hearth in the ‘Rauchkuchl’ (‘little smoky kitchen’), whilst the central room was used for eating, sleeping and working. The ‘forest farm lad’ spent the first 17 years of his life at home on the farm with his beloved mother before entering into an apprenticeship with the master tailor Ignaz Orthofer.

In addition to the residential building, the farmhouse included stables for 20 cattle, 8 pigs and 25 sheep and chickens. Sheds, barns, tool and storage rooms were available, as well as a tavern. In 1927, the province of Styria acquired the birthplace and still keeps it today as a memorial. The furnishings in Rosegger’s birthplace bear witness to a simple peasant life in the 19th century. The cradle and the old grandfather clock are still there. Even today, the place can only be reached on foot: An approximately 30-minute walk leads from the Waldschule car park through the forests of the Alpl to the farmhouse building complex.

Tip: Gourmet tour in the footsteps of Peter Rosegger – with the Museum picnic in the countryside, you’ll embark on a guided tour that will whet your appetite, take in the view of the Fischbacher Alps all the way to the Wechsel region while enjoying the picnic basket of your choice at the Kluppeneggerhof farm!


27 March to 31 October 2020, Tuesday to Sunday 10 AM–5 PM (last admissions at 4:30 PM)

Warning: no direct access to the Geburtshaus for cars or buses; shuttle service is possible on request for persons with limited mobility!

Admission fees:

  • Adults EUR 5.00
  • School pupils, university students below the age of 27, people doing compulsory military or community service and apprentices: EUR 2.00
  • Groups (minimum 12 people), seniors, people with disabilities: EUR 4.50
  • School pupils visiting as a class group: EUR 1.50
  • Children under the age of 6: free entry
  • Family ticket for two adults and children under the age of 14: EUR 10.00
  • Combi ticket (valid for Rosegger Geburtshaus, Rosegger Museum Krieglach, Roseggerausstellung St. Kathrein a. Hauenstein and Waldschule Alpl):
    • Adults EUR 9.00
    • Children (ages 6 to 15) EUR 5.00
    • Groups (minimum seven people): EUR 8.00

Peter Rosegger Geburtshaus
8671 Alpl 42
Tel. +43 3855 2375


Contact us

Tourism Association
Wiener Straße 9, 8680 Mürzzuschlag
+43 3852 2556